RANGES Environmental Consulting
About Us
RANGES Environmental Consulting brings together over 20 years of professional experience in Environmental Assessment and Consultation in Victoria, both in the private and local government sector. We see our role as facilitators and technical experts in Native Vegetation surveys, Bushfire Management Assessments, GIS Technology and Cartography, Land Management and Ecological Assessment in a planning and policy context.
We are particularly adept at working through complex planning issues where development applications require removal of native vegetation to facilitate construction or in association with bushfire management. Planning constraints imposed by the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) and the Guidelines for the Removal of Native Vegetation often presents a frustrating and costly process for landowners and applicants without the aid of an experienced consultant.
RANGES Environmental Consulting has the experience in a broad range of development applications to deliver cost-effective outcomes that meet the needs of applicants and satisfy requirements of regulatory authorities.