RANGES Environmental Consulting
Land Management Plans
We offer a range of land management services to assist private landholders, construction contractors and public land managers. Depending on the requirements of an organisation or individual, management plans may include:
- Conservation Management Plans
- Construction Management Plans
- Revegetation Plans
- Farm Management Plans
- Tree Protection Plans
- Fuel Management Plans
Our Staff have many years of 'on-the-ground' management experience that ensures our land management plans are practical and achievable.
Councils often require a Land Management Plan (LMP) to accompany a development plan or change in land use within rural or bushland areas to ensure that environmental values are protected into the future.
Our LMPs provide clear and informed recommendations for weed and pest control, conservation management, revegetation, pasture and livestock management and waterway protection accompanied by detailed maps that are easy to interpret
Management Plans on Private Land
Our staff have many years experience in working with Local and State Government Authorities to develop Conservation Management Plans for biodiversity protection on Public Land.
Depending on the project brief, our Conservation Management Plans may include mapping and management recommendations for significant flora and high threat weeds, pest animal control, revegetation plans, erosion control, fuel management recommendations and works contact specifications,
Conservation Plans on Public Land
Where replacement planting is required to offset development impacts, we are adept at developing Landscape Plans that detail the design and layout, planting schedules and installation/maintenance requirements to provide amenity and re-instatement of landscape and biodiversity values
We use a range of software packages to deliver professional and accurate plans including CAD, QGIS and ArcMap