RANGES Environmental Consulting
Indigo Epic Mountain Bike Trail Ecological Assessments
Ranges Environmental Consulting worked as a part of a project team including TREC Land Services, Jo Bell Heritage Services, Archlink Heritage Services and BCX Projects to undertake a detailed assessment of ~57km of the proposed Indigo Epic Mountain Bike Trail (Beechworth to Yackandandah) to assist Indigo Shire Council in project planning and implementation.
The project involved a detailed assessment of all Ecological, European heritage and Traditional Owner heritage assets with the potential to be impacted by the proposed alignment. An initial constraints assessment was undertaken with the various consultants collaborating with the design and construction engineers to inform the best option for the final alignment with a view to minimising impacts to ecological and heritage features arising from the project. Following an ecological impact and offset assessment, Ranges Environmental Consulting completed a Construction and Environmental Management Plan and a Trail Signage and Assets Plan for the project.
Construction was completed in late 2022 and was opened to the public early in the following year.